Wolf Park


So everyone knows that Jesse is terrified of large dogs so when he suggested a trip to the Wolf Park I was quite surprised. We wanted something new to do and we have heard about the wolf park from a few people. It was very cool.

We had to weave through “downtown” Battlefield and down some narrow streets in order to get there. There were a few neighborhoods not too far from the park. It must be interesting to live there, imagine hearing wolves at night, very creepy.


There was a small building that served as the entrance, ticket booth and gift shop. It was not a cool day and it was early afternoon so I was not sure how many wolves we would see. They had about ten wolves, a pair of coyotes and two foxes. We lucked out and they were handing out frozen blocks of ice that had pepperoni embedded in them so the wolves came up to the fence when we approached. They had a female wolf that was mostly black in an enclosure with two gray wolves. The tour guide told us about how they spend 2,000 hours with each wolf to get them socialized and used to people that way they don’t fear them.


The path we followed went further into the park and saw a pair of coyotes. They were sleeping but when the guide called their names they perked up. We even got them to howl at us by howling at them first. The wolves also chimed in. We met some other lone female wolves that evidently are too alpha to be in with the other wolves and then three wolves that were two years old. One was all black like her mother and the other two were almost caramel colored. They came right up to the fence to nose the hand of the guide.


It was pretty awesome since we saw all the wolves, the coyotes and the foxes. I bought Twicks a new dog bowl and myself a t-shirt. It is always good to help support a place that is all about preservation and education. It was a great trip.















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