Just A Couple Of Party Animals


I have ranted a couple times on this very blog how I’m getting older,  and that I don’t like it. My rapidly advancing age has recently been reinforced by my working at the local video store. A conservative estimate puts me at least 10 years older than the rest of the staff. Just the other day we had a discussion that I will title, “were you alive when this song came out?” If the goal was to be alive when more of the songs came out then I think I, “won?”

I was at work a couple weeks ago when the manager suggested that we have a store outing. Heads were nodding and we all agreed that it was a good idea. After very little debate it was decided that we would go to the local college night club, The Neon Cactus. I was filled with both dread and excitement when faced with a night on the town with the kids from the store. I like to dance and party as much as the next guy, but would I be able to stay up past 11:00pm, on a weekday?

Thursday arrived and it was the big day. I had received a call from the store manager the night before. He had a family situation and needed me to work for him the day of the outing. I was going to be at the store the whole day and then immediately go clubbing. Old Guy Nightmare!

I’m happy to say that work went off without a hitch. It was a quiet day at the store and I even managed to finish the project I was given. At 8 o’clock I handed the keys off to the replacement crew and headed out the door. I got home and picked up Chrysa at 8:20 or so. She was dressed and ready to go. She looked really pretty in her bohemian club wear. I decided on a black button down with a red velvet vest and jeans.  We were out the door.

We met the gang at the Buffalo Wild Wings next door to the Cactus. We pre-gamed with some beer and chicken fingers (you know, clubbing food) and everyone got to know each other. It was a nice change of pace to see everyone out of the work environment. We paid our tab and it was time to head over to the club.

Some things have changed since my clubbing days. The first thing that I noticed was that ID check is WAY more strict. Apparently the days of waiving an ID, any ID, at a bouncer are long gone. We had to show our licenses and a second form of ID, like a credit or debit card. I’m curious if this is a new thing or if it’s regional. Are the Buffalo college bar bouncers slackers?

The next step in the process was drinks. From what I can tell this was not a beer bar. Mixed drinks ruled here, and who was I to buck the trend. The girls from the store took Chrysa to one of the bars in an effort to score free drinks. Steve and I hit the other bar. I ordered the same as Steve, a long island iced tea. What I got was a huge souvenir mug filled with booze. The drink was strong so I knew I was going to have only one. The big plastic mug was another surprise. I guess this avoids spilled drinks and broken glass on the dance floor? To be honest it seemed a little silly. Big plastic mugs like that are more for tailgating in my opinion. Maybe I’m showing my age here?


After drinks we settled into the evening. The music was thumping and the people watching was fantastic. At one point Chrysa wandered off to check out what was going on. She didn’t do any clubbing in her college years, so this was a new experience for her.

The girls from the store told me about the new dance I had to learn called, The Wiggle (since writing this post I have been informed that it’s called the Wobble). When the song came on, Megan and Kylie pulled me onto the floor, and I set out to learn the steps. It was pretty much the electric slide with more ass and hip shaking. It was fun. I bet I have a leg up on the dance floor at the next wedding we attend.



After a bit we moved into the piano bar area (yeah…this place has something for everyone). The standard piano bar antics were in play but Steve really took the show to a whole new level. Somehow he got up to the stage and sang live! He didn’t really know the words all that well but it sure didn’t matter. The piano guy kept referring to him as Adam Levine and Kylie as his hot sister. The crowd laughed when Steve broke the news that Kylie was his manager.

Adam Levine?

Adam Levine?

The kids started to head home after a while. By the end of the night Chrysa and I were the last of our little posse to be left standing. We went back into the main bar area and watched people couple up in a last ditch effort to score. The success rate was pretty much what you would expect. Some people had the knack and others were just too desperate. I’ve never been happier to be a married guy who has an amazing wife.

The next morning we got up late and my voice was nice and horse. Overall I didn’t feel too worse for wear. I was pretty happy with our little night out on the town. After a fun night like this one, I could be convinced that age is a state of mind, and not a number.  I’m not saying we’re going to go out every Thursday, but every now and then, why not.



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